Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Back at it.

At this point I'm really interested in finding an outlet to express myself. I know some people who make music, but that's never been my forte. I know others who use sports as a place to be creative. Although I've always enjoyed them, I've never been at a high enough level to understand all the fundamentals, let alone have the ability or even the confidence to create. My outlet has always been speaking, which when I think about it, doesn't feel very special. Seeing as regardless of your passion/skill/talent etc. most of us use speech in one way or another to convey our feelings. Don't get me wrong, I have no formal speaking experience, and I'm not even sure that I will be able to convey my feelings or myself in the same way through this similar but different medium. When it comes to writing, my expectations are low. Hopefully at this point, yours are as well. You can most likely already tell that I have a rudimentary grasp of grammar. Bear with me as I use commas in places they shouldn't be, and don't ever expect to see a semicolon, unless it's in a comment telling me where one should be. The point of this blog started as a way for me to "educate" or "make aware" the people around me to things that might give them perspective on how good they have it and or what life would be like if things changed. I am at a point where I no longer think that is my right nor my responsibility. I am here to talk about my perspective, the 24 year old male, born in 1989, white skinned brought up in a black household of nothing but women (Mother, Aunt, Grandmother and Sister) until a teenager, computer literate since kindergarten and internet access for as long as I can remember. That is the only perspective I have the right and also the responsibility to share. Thank you for reading, Brent-