Saturday, March 17, 2012

The Inequality of Civilion Life

How the men who committed very similar crimes, are treated so differently

Staff Sgt. Calvin Gibbs: Accused of plotting to kill 3 Iraqi Villagers and removing their fingers as trophies. 

Staff Sgt. Frank Wuterich: Accused of leading a military unit in the massacre of 24 unarmed Iraqi Villagers, including women, children, and one man in a wheelchair. 

Beyond the fact that these are both atrocities that we hate to know exist, let alone in any way be connected to such things. We have to take into account how the act of war tends to bring these things out in people. You cannot ask someone to ruthlessly kill another group of human beings and expect them to remain completely sane. Any psychologist will tell you that putting someone in that situation for long periods of time can lead to drastic personality/morality shifts. I am in no way defending any war crime committed by these or or any other soldiers, I personally feel that they should be held responsible for their actions. What I am trying to shed some light on is the fact that one of these men was sentenced to life in prison, while one of these men entered a guilty plea and was convicted of Negligent Dereliction of Duty, and sentenced to 3 months in prison and a pay cut. I along with many others, would like to know why one soldier was treated so differently than another. Why one's life is essentially over and one of them gets to continue pursuing a career in the military? And how military judges can put such a low price on Iraqi lives...(continue)

Calvin Gibbs: Life In Prison 

Frank Wuterich: Negligent Dereliction of Duty

Negligent Dereliction of Duty: willful or negligent failure to perform assigned duties or performing them in a culpably inefficient manner. That doesnt sound like leading your team into two homes of Iraqi civilians and massacring 24 of them to me... 

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Drug Testing Welfare Recipients, Unconstitutional?

We all are aware of the social safety nets put in place to help "catch" and some would say, rehabilitate, people who have been severely impacted economically. Things such as food stamps and welfare that help many impoverished Americans put food on their table, and a roof over their family's heads. Recently there has been proposed legislation that would require recipients to submit to drug testing. It said only to be in the interest of making sure government, neigh taxpayer; money not go toward supporting illegal activities.

                                                                      NHSDA Estimates
 One thing most supporters of this sort of legislation will fail to mention, is the fact that before a person receiving food stamps or welfare may take this drug test, they must provide the money for said drug test, and they will not receive any monetary assistance until it has been analyzed, and the results deemed clean by the state. It sounds kind of counter productive, making sometimes desperate people pay money to receive money. Proponents say that once the test is passed, the recipient will then be reimbursed his or her money. So if you're not on drugs, what's the risk? The risk has nothing to do with it. It's the fact that you're asking people who have proven to you; they have such a small amount of money that they actually qualify for you to give them money. You're asking them if you can essentially borrow the money for their drug test. The consequence for not passing the drug test should be the fact that you don't receive the assistance for the things you need to survive, not that you receive nothing and lose money as well.

                                                           Actual Florida Testing Results
                                           Florida Welfare Recipients On Drugs: 2%
                                           Floridians On Drugs: 8%

In my opinion, this is one of two things. Either a way to ensure that they pay out less in welfare checks, whether it be from failed tests, or the much more likely scenario of someone not being able to afford the test in the first place therefor no longer qualifying for the service. Or just another law put in place to further demonize the poor. This is a law that no matter the justifications, circumvents the American ideal of equality. This law further perpetuates the stereotype that just because one is poor, they must commit crimes and do drugs. Or that someone may have become poor due to the use of illicit substances. Either way it's a truly personal attack on a group of extremely vulnerable people. We need to make sure such stereotypes are never solidified into law.

Monday, February 6, 2012

It's Less Immigrating and More Fleeing

The idea of self deportation has been brought up by many candidates in this years election. Most recently by Mitt Romney. When asked about immigration, Romney brought up the idea of self deportation. For those who are not familiar, self deportation is not a law, nor is it a policy. Its a phrase that was used by two comedians, Lalo Alcaraz and Esteban Zul, as a joke, protesting a California immigration measure in 1994. It however has taken on new meaning when Romney and the rest of the GOP refer to it. What the Governor is proposing is a belief that if we make the lives of "illegals" as difficult as possible, such as prohibiting them and their children access to the essentials, such as schools or medicine, they will "self deport" or return to their country of origin. Stores in some states that have enacted self deportation laws, such as Alabama, have taken the law into their own hands, requiring citizenship papers for anything from cashing a check to purchasing groceries. Even if no law had been passed requiring the refusal of service.

Honestly, in my opinion this situation falls into a gray area. On one hand we are taking people who have done nothing, other then escape a perilous life for the idea of freedom and prosperity, and placing what might as well be an embargo on them, forcing them to return to the dangerous drug ravaged land they risked everything to free themselves from. On the other hand we are in the middle of a serious economic situation  and illegal immigration has to be having a negative effect on the unemployment numbers, along with many other strains on social services.

I feel like the mainstream media has only put fourth two options when it comes to dealing with illegal immigration. Then first being the DREAM act, the second of which being self deportation. What most right wingers wont tell you is the DREAM act was originally a piece of republican legislature, designed to address the problems of immigration without the idea of a total overhaul to the system. Which was what the democrats had in mind at the time of the proposal. Now, for some reason it just isn't good enough, every republican candidate, minus Ron Paul and Rick Perry,  feels very strongly about being tough on illegal immigration.

Go home seems to be the main republican feeling. But can we even say that? Go home? Most of these people don't know what "home" is. They have never experienced what Americans take for such granted. Its likely that if someone is in this country illegally, they came from somewhere that they never felt comfortable, never felt safe, never felt any of the things that we would use to describe a home. That is why it is so hard for me to paint everyone with such a broad brush. There are many people who came here looking to provide for their families, and to escape the tyranny of the drug cartels only to live a safe and humble life. I believe that they not only should have the right to become citizens, but they deserve it. If you are willing to risk everything to live in a country that threatens to imprison or deport you. Just because you think its the greatest country on earth and that it gives you the freedom and opportunity to to live a life of prosperity. Thats more then I can say for myself, who was born with citizenship, but spends most of my time criticizing what we do wrong, rather then admiring the freedoms we have come to take for granted.

                                           (That's not the Taliban, those are Mexican cartel soldiers)

Fixing the situation. I feel there are two ways to fix the immigration issue. Neither of which being presented. We can either legalize all drugs, cutting off the cartels cash flow, essentially nipping the problem in the bud, no drugs, no money, no guns, no problem. Or the second option, I seem to recall us declaring a war on terror. This seems to be all these cartels do, from mass murders of police officers and their families to political bribes/intimidation effecting the countries laws. I am not a supporter of the current war, nor do I think we should get ourselves into a new one. I just think its a bit hypocritical when we travel half way across the world because we felt the need to get the bad guys, when there are plenty attached to us. Bottom line is, when immigration is as important as oil, then we'll address the issue.

Monday, January 23, 2012

Quick Blurb on Newt Gingrich

Newt Gingrich

This is ridiculous, the fact that Newt Gingrich just won the south Carolina primary is despicable. I can’t understand how anyone, even Republicans can find a reason to vote for this guy. The way he speaks to people is disrespectful, the way he goes about running the things he has control over, his marriages or say his campaign, no details were released other than the reports of gross mismanagement of campaign finances, and a report that Gingrich was spotted on a luxury cruise through the Balkan Islands. And that was just his campaign. By late June 2011, the campaign was rumored to be over one million dollars in debt. This guy is supposed to fix the economy? The only reason why he’s still in the race is because of one plutocrat who decided to donate 5 million dollars. Yeah that guys not going to have a say in anything, yeah right.

He’s also a horrible excuse for a human being, but only if you judge him on how he treated his previous wives. The first was left when she was in the hospital for cancer. It was later reported that Gingrich said, “She's not young enough or pretty enough to be the wife of the president, and besides she has cancer.” Gingrich denies the report, although who wouldn’t? It pretty much alienates you from half of the voting population. Did I mention that it was confirmed that he started seeing his second wife, Marianne Ginther, before he asked his first wife for the divorce? Subsequently when the man gets another chance, with this woman who he supposedly loved so much he had to cheat on the mother of his two daughters, what does he do? Yup, finds out she has multiple sclerosis, cheats on her with a House staffer, after that Gingrich asks his then hospitalized wife for an open marriage, at the time when she was most vulnerable.  Did you know the woman he cheated on her with was 23 years his junior at the time?  All this, while simultaneously going after the president for similar acts in the oval office. That’s some real hypocrisy.

Think about it, if the man is so quick to throw the “loves of his life” under the bus, what’s he going to do to the American people? Especially if he knows you’re all not judging him for his actions. He’s an ethics violating, disrespectful, racist, immoral ass hole, who doesn’t like gays, doesn’t seem to care about women, and is about as much a man of his word as Romney. Where do you draw the line?

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Greece Is Not Okay and how Occupy Congress is a Step in the Right Direction

Recently, I've had conversations with friends about Europe and, without regard for the looming European economic crisis; they have somewhat idolized the culture. I'm not one to say I would not enjoy visiting such places as Italy or England or even France and Germany, but there are a few western European countries that aren't doing so well right now, and it's poised to crumble the EU as we know it.

 I'm going to focus on the one I think to be in the most peril, Greece. Partly, because a friend of mine thinks its safe enough to go "Spend a semester there." And partly because I'm not quite sure how it escaped the mainstream conscience, but Greece has turned into a divided country on the edge of Civil War. Where the police are armed as the military and the citizens armed as barbarians, hurling sticks, along with rocks and Molotov cocktails, firebombs. They've even gone so far as to take to the streets with hammers, not to use them in the attack, but to break every piece of stone and glass in sight as for more "ammunition."

 The important thing to know about what happened to Greece is, that it ultimately was Wall Streets collapse that caused most of the damage. Along with many acts of gross negligence perpetrated by the Greek government. Now the EU, European Union, have had to come in and issue the country a bailout. Which along with billions to a trillion of Euros, has also come with a life of debt for the young Greek generation. Thus these along with many other factors, such as historical events and Cultural pride, have led to the now tumultuous atmosphere that is Greece's capital city Athens. When you hear them speak, they sound a bit like the Occupy Movement, but with a bit, how can I say it?.. More. When they speak of their country and their unwillingness to be bound by the shackles of their government nor the mistakes of the generation before them, it made me realize something that I guess I already knew, but I was pushing to the back of my mind.

The fact that these protests in Athens, what used to be the capital city of a very civil country, are much more violent, beyond anything the likes that America has seen. Including Occupy Oakland and Cal State Berkeley. Its going to have to get much worse before it gets better. You see these people charging barricades and attacking police, and you wonder if its going to take that sort of conviction here in America.  But in the spirit of the Greeks, I think we are one step closer with Occupy Congress. They realized that their voices would not be heard unless they were personally affecting the people directly influencing the decisions being made. We must inconvenience those who inconvenience us. If they then proceed to inconvenience us we must proceed to do the same. It is the only way there is hope for a peaceful revolution.

Unfortunately those people are motivated by the most powerful thing known to man, money. People have prices already made up in their head for beloved family members like Grandma, you think that singing cumbiya on their front lawn is going to make them give up a seat so precious. Lets hope that's the case. In the case of the Greeks however, in the end it was the dividing of the people that led to their ultimate demise. We as a people need to stay united against oppressors, whether they be individual, large corporations or a national government. We, no matter what our current standing, need to put ourselves in the position of the oppressed and realize that it is wrong for any human to be put in such a position. Regardless of our conflicting ideas on how to fix the situation, we must all admit the system is broken in order to begin the arduous task of rebuilding.

It is truly enough said that a corporation has no conscience; but a corporation of conscientious men is a corporation with a conscience. Law never made men a whit more just; and, by means of their respect for it, even the well-disposed are daily made the agents of injustice. 

Henry David Thoreau 

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Posting #1 and The Great Garbage Island

Post #1 01/11/12 To be honest I wasn't sure what qualified to be number one, what should be the most important thing I feel people should know about. The problem for me is, there are so many. Whether they be social, environmental, economical, political, agricultural, having to do with things like wars, or corruption. Each has a story worthy of beginning this blog. So this is what I have decided to do. Im going to list as many important stories as I can. Starting with something thats considered "Old News" yet still very important to be aware of, followed by a "Current Events" piece, involving something a bit more recent. They wont be in any particular order at first, just due to the unfortunate fact that I have so much catching up to do. But they will be dated with the posting and the original air/creation date. Im doing this because I want I think everyone needs a little perspective.

 Old News: Great Pacific Garbage Island

 You may not consider this old news, because its recently within the last 2 years gained publicity, but considering that it was originally discovered in 1997, Id say 15 years makes it pretty old news. If you haven't heard there is a patch of garbage in the pacific ocean, twice the size of Hawaii. The way it formed is, different plastics and other floating debris we put into the ocean are brought together by different diverging currents directly between the United States and Asia. There the plastics are kept together by these currents and slowly broken down by salt water.

 The way this effects us is the fact that when the plastic is broken down into the microscopic pellets it was originally made of, it is then ingested by animals that are unaware of its presence in the water or the animal it happens to be consuming. The other fact being that a lot of the fish and other animals that are ingesting this plastic are eaten by humans. We have no idea what this affect could be on our bodies, or our children. Research has shown that the debris has affected at least 267 different species of animal.

 Pictured below is whats known as the Great Atlantic Garbage Island, yes east coasters you get one of your very own. Unfortunately what this tells me is that were all slobs who cant clean up their messes and keep them in trash cans. I try not to litter, I know its sometimes hard to avoid and it happens, but I think that we could all do a bit better job of making sure things are reused and recycled before they are thrown away, because unfortunately, even if its put in the correct container, we honestly don't have the room to house it all. These garbage islands could end up, along with the many other things we are doing to our oceans, such as over fishing and deep water oil drilling to name a couple, could end up screwing up our entire ecosystem, or at least creating famine for the billion people in this world dependent on fish for survival.

Also If you haven't heard, Toxic Garbage Island by is a great expose on the actual Great pacific garbage island. TOXIC GARBAGE ISLAND VBS.TV

Sunday, January 8, 2012

The Things We Want To Know

Hello, I have decided to put this blog together to showcase things I feel should be more heavily publicized. Whether they be things that people tend to shy away from, because it makes them think twice about the way their lives affect others, or things that are intentionally swept under the rug by large companies as to not rock the boat that is the "status quo.". It's not that I enjoy depressing things or I feel that people should let knowing everything consume their lives. I just feel that people should know how their actions effect others accross the globe and how lucky they are to have access to a computer and time to read my pokey blog. Im not dedicated to conspiracy theories, nor do I have unshakable faith in anything. I try to be as objective as possible in the way that I look at and present information. Everything I post will be as accurate and credible as possible. I do this because I want to shed light on the things that matter, only because knowing is the first step in the direction of change. Brent Anderson